In today’s world it has been said that a healthy weed free crop is a myth, as there are several weeds ready to destroy your crops. Well say no more we have come up with an effective solution called as Herbicides a smarter easy of getting rid of weeds in your crops by Skyn crop care. Lets face it there are numerous unwanted weeds in your crop plantation and they can appear anywhere in the plantation to suck all the nutrients you have been providing that is intended to make your crop healthy.
Our team has been working on these problems by creating strong and effective herbicides that can save your crop plantation from these unwanted weeds. Our range of herbicides covers up almost every crop that you grow to make them weed free. Lets have a look at the herbicides we manufacture,
1. WIKKET SUPER (Fenoxaprop -p-ethyl 9.3% EC)
Wikket Super contains Fenoxaprop-p-ethyl as active ingredient which is a selective herbicide having an action against Echinochloa sp. and other grassy weeds in soybean, rice, cotton, black gram, and onion. It is a post-emergent herbicide having action on a broad spectrum of grasses.
Available in : 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 Liter
Recommendation for Use:
Crop(s) | Common name of pest | Dosage/HA | Dilution in Water(Litre) | Waiting Period between the last spray to harvest (In days) | Re-entry after each Application (In hours) | |
AI(g) | Formulation(Litre) | |||||
Black Gram | Echinochloa colonum, Echinochloa crusgalli, Digitaria spp, Dactyloctenium aegyptium | 56.25 – 67.50 | 625 – 750 | 375 – 500 | 43 | |
Cotton | Echinochloa sp., Eleusine indica, Dactyloctenium aegyptium, Eragrostis minor | 67.50 | 750 | 375 – 500 | 87 | |
Rice (Transplanted) | Echinochloa colonum, Echinochloa crusgalli | 56.25 | 625 | 300 – 375 | 70 | |
Onion | Echinochloa colonum, Dactytoctectenium aegyptium | 78.75 | 875 | 375 | 10 | |
Groundnut | Echinochloa spp. | 78.75 | 875 | 375 | 89 | |
Soyabean | Echinochloa colonum, Echinochloa crusgalli, Setaria spp, Brachiaria spp, Eluesine indica, Digitaria spp | 100 | 1100 | 250 – 300 | 100 |
2. Magnifier (Imazethapyr 10% SL)
MAGNIFIER is a systemic herbicide, absorbed by the roots and foliage with translocation in the xylem and phloem accumulation in the meristematic regions. MAGNIFIER is an herbicide which belongs to the imidazolinone group. It should be applied as an early post-emergence herbicide for the control of selective broad leaved & grassy weeds in soybean & groundnut.
Available in : 500ml, 1liter
Recommendation for Use:
Crop | Common name of pest | Dosage/HA | Dilution in Water(Litre) | Waiting Period between last spray to harvest (In days) | Re-entry after each Application (In hours) | |
AI(g) | Formulation(Litre) | |||||
Groundnut | Echinochlola colonum, Euphorbia hirta, Commelina benghalensis, Digera arvensis, Amaranthus viridis, Physalis minima | 100 – 150 g a.i./ha + MSO adjuvant @ 2 ml/l of water | 1.0 – 1.5 L + MSO adjuvant @ 2 ml/l of water | 375 | 102 | |
Soyabean | Echinochlola colonum, Brachiaria mutica, Euphorbia hirta, Commelina benghalensis, Dinebra arabica, Digitaria spp. | 75 – 100 a.i./ha + MSO adjuvant @ 2 ml/l of water | 0.75 – 1.0 L + MSO adjuvant @ 2 ml/l of water | 375 | 72 |
Reslar Glyphosate 41% SL is a non-selective systemic herbicide used in different stages as a pre-harvest, pre-emergence, post-emergence, and pre-plantation. It effectively controls annual biennial, perennial grasses, sedges, broad-leaf weeds, and woody shrubs.
Available in : 500ml, 1liter, 5liter, 20liter
Recommendation for Use:
Crop | Weeds | Dosage/ha | Water(Litre) | PHI(days) | |
a.i.(g) | Formulation(Litre) | ||||
Tea | Axonopus compressus, Cynodon dactylon, Imperata cylindrica,Polygonum perfoliatum, Paspalum scrobiculatum, Arundinella Bengalensis, Bromus kalmii | 820-1230 | 2.0-3.0 | 450 | 21 |
Non-cropped areas | Sorghum spp., Monocot & Dicot weeds | 820-1230 | 2.0-3.0 | 500 | – |
4. Glywill-71 (Ammonium Salt of Glyphosate 71% SG)
GLYWILL-71 is a Non-Selective, Systemic Herbicide of organophosphorus group, which inhibits the EPPS synthesis in weed plant.
Available in : 100gm, 250gm, 500gm, 1kg
Recommendation for Use:
Crop | Weeds | Dosage/ha | Water(Litre) | PHI(days) | |
a.i.(g) | Formulation(Litre) | ||||
Tea and Non-cropped areas | Acalypha indica, sida acuta, Ipomoea digitata,Cichorium intybus,Digera arvensis,Digitaria sanguinalis,Paspalum conjugatum,Ageratum conyzoides,Cynodon dactylon,Cyperus rotundus,eragrostis spp. | 2.13 | 3 | 500 | 7 |
5. Rela (Clondinafop-Propargly 15% WP)
RELA belongs to aryloxyphenoxypropionate group. RELA is a post emetgence herbicide with excellent control of most of the important grass weeds like in wheat ecosystem.
Available in : 160gm
Recommendation for Use:
Crop | Common name of Pest | Dosage/HA | Dilution in Water (Litre) | Waiting Period between the last spray to harvest days | |
AI (gm) | Formulation (gm) | ||||
Wheat | Phalaris minor (Canary Grass) | 60 | 400 | 375 – 400 | 110 |
6. Metro Star (Metribuzin 70% WP)
METRO STAR is a selective systemic herbicide absorbed predominantly by the roots, but also by leaves, with translocation acropetally in the xylem. It is used for Pre/post-emergence control of most annual grasses and weeds including Cyperus, Cyndon, Chenopodium, Asphodelus, Avena, Lolium, Setaria, Phalaris and Alopecurus in cereals i.e. wheat, Sugarcane, alfalfa, Potato, Tomato, soyabeen etc grown areas in Africa, Asia, Europe, South America.It is to be used in accordance with climatic conditions and approval of local Authorities.
Available in : 100gm, 250gm
Recommendation for Use:
Crop | Weeds | Dosage/ha | Time of Application |
Sugarcane | Cynodon, Asphodelus (Wild Onion), Chenopodium, Convolvulus, Anagallis, Cichorium (Chicory), Parthenium, Commelina, etc. | 400 | After Plantation but before germination or 25-30 days after planting |
Wheat | Parthenium, Chenopodium, Melliotus, etc. | 100 | 35 days after sowing when weeds are at 2 – 3 leaf stage |
Tomato | Trianthema, Celosia, Wild Amaranthus, Echinochloa, Wild Paspalum, etc. | 300 | One week before transplanting or 15 days after transplanting |
Potato | Parthenium, Chenopodium, Melliotus, Carnopus, Trianthema, etc. | 300 | 3 – 4 days after planting (before germination) or before potato plant attains 5cm of height |
7. Zoombar (2,4 – D Amine salt 58% S.L.)
ZOOMBAR are the selective systemic weedicides of Phenoxyacetic group. ZOOMBAR apart from effectively controlling broad lead weeds, these also control the cyperus sp. ZOOMBAR is absorbed by the leaves and roots and translocated in to the weed plants. ZOOMBAR is on adverse effect on crop with recommended dose
Available in : 500ml, 1liter, 5 liter
Recommendation for Use:
Crop | Weeds | Dosage/ha | Water(Litre) | PHI(days) | |
a.i.(g) | Formulation(Litre) | ||||
Maize | Trianthema monogyna, Amaranthus sp., Tribulus terristeris, Boerhaavia diffusa , Euphorbia hirta, Portulaca oleracea, Cyperus sp. | 0.5 | 0.86 | 400-500 | 50-60 |
Wheat | Chenopodium album , Fumaria parviflora , Melillotus alba , Vicia sative , Asphodelus tenuifolius , Convolvulus arvensi;s . | 0.5-0.75 | 0.86-1.29 | 500-600 | – |
Sorghum | Cyperus iria, Digera arvensis, Convolvulus arvensis, Trianthema sp.,Tridax procumbens,Euphorbia hirta, Phyllanthus niruri. | 1.8 | 3.1 | 500-600 | – |
Potato | Chenopodium album, Asphodelus tenuifolius , Anagalis arvensis, Convolvulus arvensis,Cyperus iria , Portulaca oleracea. | 2.0 | 3.44 | 400 | – |
Sugarcane | Cyperus iria Digitaria sp. Dactylactenium aegyp um Digera arvensis Portulaca oleracea Commelina benghalensis Convolvulus arvensis | 3.5 | 6.3 | 500 | – |
Aquatic Weeds Non crop area | Eichhornia crassipes. | 0.5-1.0 | 0.86-1.72 | 600-700 | 15-20 |
Aquatic Weeds Non crop area | Parthenium hysterophorus | 2.65 | 4.56 | 300-400 | 15-20 |
Aquatic Weeds Non crop area | Cyperus rotundus | 2.5 | 4.30 | 300-400 | – |
8. Pendipen (Pendimethalin 30% EC)
Pendipen belongs to Dinitroaniline group and controls both, narrow and broad leaf weeds. Pendipen is applied as pre-emergence herbicide. Pendipen is a selective herbicide to be used before emergence of weeds and crops. After application of pendipen, a thin layer is formed at soil surface which prevents the germination of weeds. There must be sufficient soil moisture at the time of application of pendipen.
Available in : 500ml, 1liter, 5 liter
Recommendation for Use:
Crop | Weeds | Dosage/ha | Water(Litre) | PHI(days) | |
a.i.(g) | Formulation(Litre) | ||||
Wheat | Phalaris minor, Chenopodium album, Melilotus alba, Portulaca oleracea, Anagallis arvensis, Fumaria parviflora, Poa annua | Light soil- 1.0 kg, Medium soil-1.25 kg, Heavy soil- 1.5 kg | 3.3 ltr. 4.2 5.0 | 500-700 500-700 500-700 | – |
Cotton | Echinochloa spp.Euphorbia hirta Amarnanthus viridisPortulaca oleraceaTrianthema spp.Eleusine indica | 0.75-1.25kg | 2.5-4.165 ltrs | 500-700 | 150 |
Rice(Transplanted &direct sown Upland) | Echinochloa colona, E.crusgalli, Fimbristylis miliacea, Marselia quadrifoliata, Alternanthera sessilis, Ammonia baccifera, Ludwigra parviflora, Eclipta alba, Cyperus difformis | Light to Heavy soil 1-1.5kg | 3.3 –5 Ltrs | 500-700 | – |
Soybean | Echinochloa spp., Euphorbia spp., Amarnanthus viridis, Portulaca oleracea, Trianthema spp., Eleusine indica | 0.75-1.0kg | 2.5-3.3 ltrs | 500-700 | 110 |
9. Pendipen Extra (Pendimethalin 38.7% CS)
PENDIPEN EXTRA It is an effective herbicide which disrupts cell division at the time of weed seed germination. It acts as a selective pre-emergence and pre-plant incorporation herbicide absorbed through both the leaves and roots of target plants. It is based on advanced biotechnology due to which the chemical doesn’t evaporate at high temperature.
Available in : 500ml, 1liter
Recommendation for Use:
Crop | Weeds | Dosage/ha | Water(Litre) | PHI(days) | |
a.i.(g) | Formulation(ml) | ||||
Soybean | Echinochloa colonum Dinebra arabuica Digitaria sanguinalis Bracharia mutica Dactyloctinum aegyp um Portulaca oleracea Amaranthus viridis Euphorbia geniculata Cleome viscose | 580.5-677.25gm | 1500-1750 | 500 | 40 |
Cotton | Panicum repens, Digitaria sanguinalis, Brachiaria mutica (Grasses), Pennisetum purpureum, Cyperus rotundus (sedge), Lantana camjara, Portulaca oleracea, Eclipta prostrate, Commelina benghalensis (Broad leaves weeds) | 677.27 | 1500-1750 | 500 | 101 |
Chilli | Panicum repens, Digitaria sanguinalis, Elusine indica, Dinebra arabiaca, Echinochloa colonum, Portulaca oleracea, Commelina benghalensis, Aramthus blitum, Chenopodium album | 677.27 | 1500-1750 | 500 | 98 |
Onion | Echinochloa colonum, Cyperus rotundus(Sedge) Cynodon dactylon Dinebra Arabic Euphor beageneculata Commelina bengalensis (Broad Leave weeds) | 580.50-677.25g | 1500-1750 | 500 | 104 |
10. Staleen (Pretilachlor 50% EC)
STALEEN is a pre-emergence selective herbicide. It has strong soil absorp on, unlikely to leach. It controls annual grasses, sedges and broad-leaved weeds. It enters rapidly through hypocotyls, mesocotyls and coleop les, and to less extent by roots of germina ng weeds. It is safe to environment.
Available in : 500ml, 1liter
Recommendation for Use:
Crop | Weeds | Dosage/ha | Water(Litre) | PHI(days) | |
a.i.(g) | Formulation(Litre) | ||||
Rice (Transplanted) | Echinochloa crusgalli, Echinochloa colonum, Cyperus difformis, Cyperus iria, Fimbristylis miliacea, Eclipta alba, Ludwigia parviflora Monochoria vaginalis, Leptochloa chinensis, Panicum repens | 0.50-0.75 | 1.0-1.5 | 500-750 | 75-90 |
11. EREZ (Oxyflourfen 23.5% EC)
EREZ is a selective contact herbicide. EREZ controls a wide spectrum of annual broad- leaved and grass weeds. EREZ can be used as pre-plant incorporation, pre-emergence and post-emergence application. EREZ has prolonged residual activity and shows negligible leaching. Minimal rain ot irrgation is necessary to activate the residual effect. Oxyflourfen 23.5% EC w/w [22.8% EC w/v] is a selective herbicide containing oxyflourfen active ingredient 23.5% E.C. It has a residual activity and controls important weeds in crops like Rice, Tea, Potato, Onion, Groundnut and Mentha.
Available in : 100ml, 250ml
Recommendation for Use:
Crop | Weeds | Dosage/ha | Dilution in Water(Litre) | PHI(days) | |
AI (gm) | Formulation(ml) | ||||
Rice (direct sown) as pre-emergence | Echinochloa spp. Cyperus iria, Eclipta alba | 150-240 | 650-1000 | 500 | – |
Tea | Digitaria, Imperata, Paspalum Borreria hispida | 150-250 | 650-1000 | 500-750 | 15 |
Onion | Chenopodium album, Amaranthus viridis | 100-200 | 425-850 | 500-750 | – |
Potato | Chenopodium, Coronopus, Trianthema, Cyprus, Haliotropium | 100-200 | 425-850 | 500-750 | – |
Groundnut | Echinochloa colonum, Digitaria marginata | 100-200 | 425-850 | 500-750 | – |
Mentha | Echinochloa colona, Cyperus spp., Solanum nigrum, Amaranthus spp., Sphenochlea sp., Anagallis arvensis, Chenopodium album, Commelina benghalensis, Digitaria sanguinalis, Eclipta alba, Euphorbia spp., Ludwigia parviflora, Portulaca spp. | 206 | 904.3 | 500 | 10 |
For any queries regarding our products, you can contact us, and feel free to ask us any questions we will be Happy to Help!
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