Timeline for Tomato Crop Cultivation Tomato is a warm-season crop. The crop does well under an average monthly temperature of 210C to 230C. Temperature and light […]
Timeline for Potato Crop Cultivation Potato is the most important food crop in the world. Potato is a temperate crop grown under subtropical conditions in India. The […]
Timeline for Onion Crop Cultivation Onion is one of the most important commercial vegetable crops grown in India. The demand for onion is worldwide. It is […]
Timeline for Chilli Crop Cultivation Chilli is one of the most valuable spice crops. India is the largest producer-consumer and exporter of Chilli cultivating in the […]
General practices for Paddy Cultivation Paddy, also called rice paddy, small, level, a flooded field used for paddy cultivation in southern and eastern Asia. Wet-rice cultivation is the most […]
Groundnut Cultivation Practices In India, groundnut is one of the most important oilseed crops and occupies an area of 5.86 m ha with production and productivity […]