Timeline for Chilli Crop Cultivation
Chilli is one of the most valuable spice crops. India is the largest producer-consumer and exporter of Chilli cultivating in the area of 775 thousand hectares with 1492 metric tons production (2014-15 estimates) contributing about 40 % of the World’s chili production. In India, Andhra Pradesh is the leading state in Chilli crop cultivation followed by Karnataka, West Bengal, and Odisha.
For better Chilli Crop Cultivation it is mandatory to follow the steps in a timely manner and use appropriate fertilizers, insecticides, herbicides, etc. for better growth. With a wide range of products, SKYN Crop Care provides complete crop protection for Chilli crop cultivation from begin to trim.
Skyn Crop Care provides complete care of Chilli crop from start to end by their insecticides which are very effective against unwanted weeds, insects, etc. that can harm the crop. Let’s take a look at some products we manufacture which are made for Chilli crop Cultivation.
Herbicide for Chilli Crop Cultivation
1. Pendipen Extra (Pendimethalin 38.7% CS)
- PENDIPEN EXTRA It is an effective herbicide which disrupts cell division at the time of weed seed germination.
- PENDIPEN EXTRA It acts as a selective pre-emergence and pre-plant incorporation herbicide absorbed through both the leaves and roots of target plants.
- PENDIPEN EXTRA It is based on advanced biotechnology due to which the chemical doesn’t evaporate at high temperature.
- PENDIPEN EXTRA Controls both annual grasses and broadleaf weeds.
- PENDIPEN EXTRA Doesn’t show any harmful effect on crops and soil.
- PENDIPEN EXTRA No residual effect due to which it doesn’t affect adversely on subsequent crops.
Recommendation for Use:
Crop |
Weeds |
Dosage/ha |
Water(Litre) |
PHI(days) |
a.i.(g) |
Formulation(Litre) |
Chilli |
Panicum repens, Digitaria sanguinalis, Elusine indica, Dinebra arabiaca, Echinochloa colonum, Portulaca oleracea, Commelina benghalensis, Aramthus blitum, Chenopodium album |
677.27 |
1500-1750 |
500 |
98 |
Available in: 500ml, 1liter
Insecticides for Chilli Crop Cultivation
1. Proclone (Emamectin Benzoate 5% SG)
- PROCLONE is a non-systemic insecticide of the avermectin group.
- PROCLONE is highly effective insecticide with stomach action.
- PROCLONE is a water-soluble granule which penetrates leaf tissued by translaminar movement.
- PROCLONE has a unique mode of action reducing potential cross-resistance to other classed of insecticides.
- PROCLONE acts on the never cells to suppress muscle contraction thus inhibiting the larvae from feeding within hours providing rapid crop protection.
- PROCLONE kill larvae even within the egg before hatching, increasing residual activity.
Recommendation for Use:
Crop |
Weeds |
Dosage/ha |
Water(Litre) |
PHI(days) |
a.i.(g) |
Formulation(Litre) |
Chilli |
Fruit Borer, Thrips, Mite |
10 |
200 |
500 |
3 |
Available in: 100ml, 250ml, 500ml
2. Balwaan (Acetamiprid 20% SP)
- BALWAAN is chloronicotinyl insecticide.
- BALWAAN is a broad spectrum systemic insecticide for soil and foliar application.
- BALWAAN has excellent translaminar action and quick knockdown effect.
- BALWAAN novel mechanism of action on the insect nervous systems y acting as an agonist to acetylcholine.
- BALWAAN exhibits triple action – ovicidal, adulticidal and larvicidal activity.
- BALWAAN has long term action or control.
Recommendation for Use:
Crop |
Weeds |
Dosage/ha |
Water(Litre) |
PHI(days) |
a.i.(g) |
Formulation(Litre) |
Chilli |
Thrips |
10-20 |
50-100 |
500-600 |
3 |
Available in: 50gm, 100gm, 250gm, 500gm
3. Victoria (Imidacloprid 17.8% SL)
- VICTORIA is a systemic insecticide of the neonicotinoid group.
- It is a broad spectrum insecticide with contact and stomach action.
- It has a relatively long-lasting effect thus very economical.
- It has a different and new mode of action gives effective control of insect strains which have developed resistance to traditionally used insecticides.
- It acts by interfering with the transmission of nerve impulse in insects, unlike organophosphorus compounds,
- carbamates, and pyrethroids, which act on nerve fiber membrane proteins.
- It has low toxicity with minimum impact on the environment and an ideal insecticide for use under Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program.
Recommendation for Use:
Crop |
Weeds |
Dosage/ha |
Water(Litre) |
PHI(days) |
a.i.(g) |
Formulation(Litre) |
Chilli |
Aphid, Thrips, Jassid |
25-50 |
125-250 |
500-700 |
5 |
Available in: 100ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1liter
4. Victoria Super (Imidacloprid 30.5% SC)
- VICTORIA SUPER is a systemic insecticide of the neonicotinoid group.
- It has a broad spectrum insecticide with contact and stomach action.
- It has a relatively long-lasting effect thus very economical.
- It has a different and new mode of action gives effective control of insect strains which have developed resistance to traditionally used insecticides.
- It acts by interfering with the transmission of nerve impulse in insects, unlike organophosphorus compounds, carbamates, and pyrethroids, which act on nerve fiber membrane proteins.
- It has low toxicity with minimum impact on the environment and an ideal insecticide for use under Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program.
Recommendation for Use:
Crop |
Weeds |
Dosage/ha |
Water(Litre) |
PHI(days) |
a.i.(g) |
Formulation(Litre) |
Chilli |
Aphid, Thrips, Jassid |
25-50 |
125-250 |
500-700 |
5 |
Available in: 100ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1liter
5. Victoria Gold (Imidacloprid 70% WG)
- VICTORIA GOLD is a systemic insecticide of the neonicotinoid group.
- It is a broad spectrum insecticide with contact and stomach action.
- It has a relatively long-lasting effect thus very economical.
- It has a different and new mode of action gives effective control of insect strains which have developed resistance to traditionally used insecticides.
- It acts by interfering with the transmission of nerve impulse in insects, unlike organophosphorus compounds, carbamates, and pyrethroids, which act on nerve fiber membrane proteins.
- It has low toxicity with minimum impact on the environment and an ideal insecticide for use under Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program.
Recommendation for Use:
Crop |
Weeds |
Dosage/ha |
Water(Litre) |
PHI(days) |
a.i.(g) |
Formulation(Litre) |
Chilli |
Aphid, Thrips, Jassid |
25-50 |
125-250 |
500-700 |
5 |
Available in: 30gm, 75gm, 100gm
6. Skyn Canon (Quinalphos 25% EC)
- SKYN CANON is a non-systemic insecticide.
- SKYN CANON It is having a broad spectrum of activity and good initial and residual toxicity against bollworms on cotton and stem borer, leaf folder, green leafhopper, hispa on rice.
- SKYN CANON preferred choice for 2 major crops (Cotton & Paddy).
- SKYN CANON It is a contact and stomach poison.
Recommendation for Use:
Crop |
Weeds |
Dosage/ha |
Water(Litre) |
PHI(days) |
a.i.(g) |
Formulation(Litre) |
Chilli |
Aphid |
250 |
1000 |
500-1000 |
– |
Chilli |
Mite |
375 |
1500 |
500-1000 |
– |
Available in: 500ml, 1liter
7. SKYN Trophy (Thiamethoxam 30% FS)
- TROPHY is a systemic seed treatment insecticide.
- TROPHY protects against target pests by interfering with receptors that transmit the message to continue feeding.
- TROPHY acts on different sites of action in the insect.
- TROPHY provides control of a wide range of early-season sucking and chewing, leaf-feeding and soil-dwelling insect pests, such as aphids, wireworms, flea beetles, and leaf miners.
- TROPHY is used to treat the seeds of corn, cotton, sugar beets, oilseed rape, canola, wheat, barley, soybeans, sorghum, and other field crops.
Recommendation for Use:
Crop |
Weeds |
Dosage/ha |
Water(Litre) |
PHI(days) |
a.i.(g) |
Formulation(Litre) |
Chilli |
Thrips |
2.1 |
7.0 |
This is used as seed dresser |
Available in: 100ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1liter
Also, take a look at Line management Practices for Paddy Cultivation.
Don’t hesitate to contact us, and feel free to ask us any questions or queries regarding our products and services we will be Happy to Help! You can contact us at +91-6354095326 or leave a message us at +91-6354095326 (Whatsapp) or write to us at info@skyncropcare.com.