
Digging, collection and destruction of underground vegetative pieces of perennial weeds like Cynodondactylon that are capable of multiplying should be possible during the fallow period, to check such perennial weeds efficiently. Puddling is also useful in reducing the infestation of perennial weeds. Pre-planting weed control utilizing ‘glyphosate’ followed by in-crop weed control with ‘pre-development atrazine’ and ‘post-emergence ethoxysulfuron’ or ‘ directed postemergence paraquat ‘ or ‘ directed postemergence glyphosate ‘ all were found valuable to manage weeds including Cynodon and nutgrass.

Pre-development application of atrazine at 1.75 kg a.i./ha followed by two post-emergence following applications of ethoxysulfuron at 80 g ai./ha at 15 and 30 DAP has been suggested as an effective weed management practice for fields severely infested with nutgrass. After the spray of ethoxysufuron, nutgrass is effectively controlled, and its re-emergence was very slow. However, ethoxysulfuron had no effect on Cynodon as well as the second flush of weeds germinating from seeds.

Skyn Crop care’s METRO STAR is useful to manage Cynodon in sugarcane. We are leading herbicide Manufacturers in Gujarat, India.

Recommendation for Use:

Crop Weeds Dosage/ha Time of Application
Sugarcane Cynodon, Asphodelus (Wild Onion), Chenopodium, Convolvulus, Anagallis, Cichorium (Chicory), Parthenium, Commelina, etc. 400 After Plantation but before germination or 25-30 days after planting
November 21, 2020
Metro Star

Management of Cynodon in sugarcane

Digging, collection and destruction of underground vegetative pieces of perennial weeds like Cynodondactylon that are capable of multiplying should be possible during the fallow period, to […]
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