
POL (Diafenthiuron 50% WP) is wide-spectrum insecticide. It paralyses the insects, that contains immobile on the crop until its death in approximately 3 – 4 days. It is utilized to control whiteflies, Aphids, Thrips, Jassids in the Cotton crop.

Main Features of Pol (Diafenthiuron 50% WP):

  • Pol targets all pests by reaching out in deep layers of the crop.
  • And it also helps to beneficial insects that are good for crops and it also makes it safe.

The direction of Use:

Measure our required quantity of the product and mix it well with a small quantity of water. Add the remaining quantity of water as specified with thorough for total coverage of crops with a suitable sprayer.

How to implement POL (Diafenthiuron 50% WP):

Chilli: First spray at 30 DAT or at the time of first pest appearance and repeat 2 or four sprays at 14-21 days interval depending on pest intensity. For Chilli crop, the Mites AI(g) 300 in Formulation 600(g). Dilute in 500-750(Lt.) water

Brinjal: first spray at the time of pest appearance and repeat two sprays at 14-21 days intervals depending on pest intensity. For the Brinjal crop the Whitefly AI(g) 300 in Formulation 600(g). Dilute in 500-750(Lt.) water.

Cardamom: First spray at the time of pest appearance and repeat two sprays at 21-30 days intervals depending on pest intensity. For cardamom crop the Thrips, Capsule borer pest, AI(g) 400 in Formulation 800(g). Dilute in 1000(Lt.) water

Citrus: First spray at the time of pest appearance and repeat spray 14-21 days interval depending on pest infection. For Citrus crop the Mites AI(g) 300 in Formulation 600(g). Dilute in 500-750(Lt.) water

Cotton: Apply the First spray during the initial appearance of pests and repeat one or two sprays at one or two sprays at 15 days intervals depending on pest intensity. For the Cotton crop the Whiteflies, Aphids, Thrips, jassids, AI(g) 300 in Formulation 600(g). Dilute in 500-1000(Lt.) water

Cabbage: First spray at 30 DAT the time of first post apprentice and repeat two or four sprays at 14-21 days interval depending on pest intensity. for Cabbage crop the Diamond back moth AI(g) 300 in Formulation 600(g). Dilute in 500-750(Lt.) water.

Skyn Crop Care Pvt Ltd is a Quality Management System AN ISO 9001:2015 certified company.  We are a well-known manufacturer & global exporter of HerbicidesInsecticidesFungicides, and Biological Products. We are continually offering the latest agriculture products with advanced phenomena and technology. For more details of products, visit our website



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