Skyn Crop Care Pvt. Ltd. is a leading manufacturer and supplier of Insecticide, Fungicides, Herbicides and Special Products. These are precisely processed by our experienced and adroit team of professionals using best grade chemical compounds combined with contemporary processing technique. These products are widely demanded for their exceptional features such as high effectiveness, accurate composition, cost-effectiveness and safe usage.
Ever got the problems of your crops not growing at your expectations. That can happen due to herbs & weeds taking away all the nutrients you have been providing to your crops. These unwanted weeds grow in your field and feed upon all the nutrients that were meant for the crops to grow. Thus resulting in weaker & unhealthy crops.
Weeds are harmful in many ways. The damages caused by them are as under:
1. Reduction in crop yield:- Weeds compete with crops for water, nutrients and light. Being hardy and vigorous in growth habit, they grow faster then crops and consume large amount of water and nutrients, thus causing heavy losses in yields.
2. Increase in the cost of cultivation:- Tillage operations are done to control weeds and it is generally estimated that on an average about 30 percent of the total expenditure for crop production is on tillage operations and more labour is employed for weeding. This results in increasing cost of cultivation and reducing the margin of net profit.
3. The quality of field produce is reduced:- When the crop is harvested from a weedy field the seeds of weeds get mixed with the main crop which results in lowering the quality of the produce .e.g. seeds of weeds in wheat, gram etc. Similarly, bundles of many leafy vegetables like methi or palak contain green plants of weeds. They fetch lower prices in the market.
4. The quality of the livestock products is reduced:- Certain weeds eg. Hulhul when eaten by milch cattle impart an undesirable flavour to milk. Similarly weeds like gokhru get attached to the body of the sheep and impair the quality of wool. Certain poisonous weeds like Datura may cause death of cattle if they are unknowingly eaten by cattle.
5. Weeds harbor insect, pests and diseases:- Weeds either give shelter to various insects, pests and diseases or serve as alternate hosts.
6. Weeds check the flow of water:- Weeds block drainage and check the flow of water in irrigation channels and field channels thereby increasing the seepage losses as well as losses through overflowing. The irrigation efficiency is also reduced.
7. Weed secretions are harmful:- Heavy growth of certain weeds like quack grass or motha lower the germination and reduce the growth of many crop plants. This is said to be due to the presence of certain phytotoxins in these weeds.
8. Weeds are harmful to human beings:- certain weeds cause irritation of skin, allergy and poisoning in human beings.
9. Weeds cause quicker wear and tear of farm implements:- They get worn out early and cannot work efficiently unless they are properly sharpened or mended.
10. Weeds reduce the value of the land:- Agricultural lands which are heavily infested with perennial weeds like kans always fetch less price, because such lands can not be brought under cultivation without incurring heavy expenditure on labour and machinery.
We manufacture a whole range of Herbicides that covers up almost every known insect that can damage your crop. Our range of herbicides consists of following products. . .
For any queries regarding our products, you can contact us, and feel free to ask us any questions we will be Happy to Help!
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