
VICTORIA is a systemic insecticide of neonicotinoid group.
VICTORIA is a broad spectrum insecticide with contact and stomach action.
VICTORIA has relatively long lasting effect thus very economical.
VICTORIA has different and new mode of action gives effective control of insect strains which have developed resistance to traditionally used insecticides.
VICTORIA acts by interfering with transmission of nerve impulse in insects, unlike organophosphorus compounds, carbamates and pyretgroids, which act on nerve fiber membrane proteins.
VICTORIA has low toxicity with minimum impact on environment and an ideal insecticide for use under Integrated Pest Management (IPM) program.





Imidacloprid 17.8% SL

Available Pack Sizes

100ml, 250ml, 500ml, 1liter
Key Targets

Aphid, Whitefly, Thrips, Jassid, BPH, WBPH, GLH, Termite, Hoppers, Leaf Miner, Psylla, Flea Beetle

Crops Covered

Cotton, Paddy, Chilli, Sugercane, Mango, Sunflower, Okra, Citrus, Groundnut, Tomato, Grapes

How to Use?
Crop Pests Dosage/ha Water(Litre) PHI(days)
a.i.(g) Formulation(Litre)
Cotton Aphid, Whitefly, Thrips, Jassid 20-25 100-125 500-700 21
Paddy BPH, WBPH, GLH 20-25 100-125 500-700 15
Chilli Aphid, Thrips, Jassid 25-50 125-250 500-700 5
Sugercane Termite 70 350 1875 5
Mango Hoppers 0.4-0.8g/tree 2-4 ml/tree 10 5
Sunflower Whitefly, Thrips, Jassid 20 100 500 7
Okra Aphid, Thrips, Jassid 20 100 500 5
Citrus Leaf Miner, Psylla 10 50 Depending on the size of tree & protection Equipment used 5
Groundnut Aphid, Jassid 20-25 100-125 500 5
Tomato Whitefly 30-35 150-175 500-1000 7
Grapes Flea Beetle 0.06-0.08 300-400 500 5

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