SKYN Canon

SKYN CANON It is having broad spectrum of activity and good initial and residual toxicity against bollworms on cotton and stem borer, leaf folder, green leaf hopper, hispa on rice.
SKYN CANON preferred choice for 2 major crops (Cotton & Paddy).
SKYN CANON It is a contact and stomach poison. It is non-systemic.

SKYN Conon




Quinalphos 25% EC

Available Pack Sizes

500ml, 1liter
Key Targets

Brown plant hopper, Hispa/bune beetle, Leaf roller, Stem borer, Mite, Shoot fly, Aphid, Ear head Caterpillar, Mite, Pod borer, Bihar hairy Caterpillar, Stem fly, Pod borer, Pod fly, Leaf weevil, Leaf roller, Semi looper, Yellow mite, Leaf Hopper, Leaf miner, Thrips, Sawfly, Leaf webber, Jassids, Fruit borer, Aphid, Fruit borer, Wooly Aphid, Tingid bug

Crops Covered

Paddy, Sorghum, Wheat, Bengal gram, Black gram, French bean, Red gram, Soybean, Jute, Groundnut, Mustard, Sesamum, Bhindi, Cauliflower, Chillies, Tomato, Apple, Banana

How to Use?
Crop Pests Dosage/ha Water(Litre) PHI(days)
a.i.(g) Formulation(Litre)
Paddy Brown plant hopper 375 1500 500-1000 40
Paddy Hispa/bune beetle 500 2000 500-1000 40
Paddy Leaf roller 250 1000 500-1000 40
Paddy Stem borer 325 1300 500-1000 40
Sorghum Mite, Shoot fly 375 1500 500-1000
Wheat Aphid 250 1000 500-1000
Wheat Ear head Caterpillar 400 2600 500-1000
Wheat Mite 400 1600 500-1000
Bengal gram Pod borer 250 1000 500-1000
Black gram Bihar hairy Caterpillar 375 1500 500-1000
French bean Stem fly 250 1000 500-1000
Red gram Pod borer, Pod fly 350 1400 500-1000 30
Soybean Leaf weevil 250 1000 500-1000
Jute Leaf roller 375 1500 500-1000
Jute Semi looper 375 1500 500-1000
Jute Yellow mite 375 1500 500-1000
Groundnut Leaf Hopper 350 1400 500-1000 30
Groundnut Leaf miner 250 1000 500-1000 30
Groundnut Thrips 350 1400 500-1000 30
Mustard Sawfly 300 1200 500-1000
Sesamum Leaf webber 500 2000 500-1000
Sesamum Jassids 500 2000 500-1000
Bhindi Fruit borer 200 800 500-1000
Bhindi Leaf hopper 250 1000 500-1000
Bhindi Mite 250 1000 500-1000
Cauliflower Stem borer 500 2000 500-1000
Chillies Aphid 250 1000 500-1000
Chillies Mite 375 1500 500-1000
Tomato Fruit borer 250 1000 500-1000
Apple Wooly Aphid 0.05% 3000-4000 500-1000
Banana Tingid bug 0.05% 3000-4000 500-1000

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