
CRUISE is an herbicide of Triazine group for pre and targeted post emergence application.
CRUISE is recommended on Maize & Sugarcane as a pre-emergence on weed free soil and it can also be applied immediately after transplanting on maize crop.
CRUISE is a systemic herbicide absorbed through roots and foliage.
CRUISE provides a longer period of protection of crop against weeds.
CRUISE has good compatibility with other herbicides.
CRUISE is safe for the environment and care should be taken to avoid drift in water.
CRUISE is highly cost effective and plays an important role managing the resistant weeds.




Key Target

Grassy Broad Leaves Weeds

Crop Covered



Atrazine 50% WP


1-4 Kg. Per Hectare

Available Pack Sizes

500g & 1Kg.
How to Use?
Crop Common name of Weeds Dosage/ha PHI(days)
a.i.(g) Formulation(Litre) Water(Litre)
Maize Trianthama monogyna Digera arvensis, Echinochloa spp Eleusine Spp. Xantheium strumarium Brachiaria sp, Digitaria sp, Amaranthus viridis, Cleome viscose, Polygonum spp. 0.5-1.0 kg 1-2 kg 500-700
Sugarcane Protulaca oleracea, Digitaria spp., Boerhaavia diffusa, Euphorbia spp., Tribulus terrestris 0.50-2.00 kg 1.00-4.00 Kg 500-700

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